It’s good to be home

I’ve been back in San Diego for a few months now, and it’s so nice to be back! I’m still looking for a full time work doing what I took out A LOT of debt for, but right now I have a part time gig that is starting to allow me to catch up on other bills.

The best part is I ride my bike everywhere; to work, to the store, to get coffee, to cruise down the boardwalk, to go the corner market to get some delicious local craft beer! You get the idea.

I though I’d have an easier time finding a job, but that’s not proving accurate. There are a lot more opportunities down here, but there are also a lot more people vying for them. I’m just trying to keep positive and just keep sending out those resumes. Looking for a job is like buying a new swimsuit; you think everything looks okay but by the end of the day you just feel really bad about yourself lol!

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