Posts Tagged With: sustainable

I’m a Very Exciting person, Not Really

Well, I made it four days before failing. Being an unemployed person who rarely leaves the house right now, I guess that shouldn’t be very surprising. If I don’t do anything, what do I have to talk about. My never ending job search? “Today I applied for four more jobs! Two of them were part-time, on-call gigs because I’m desperate for any experience in the field I went to school for!” Not really exciting stuff.

I have found that I have a serious lack of experience for PR jobs. Everything I’ve looked at wants minimum three years experience, and these are entry level positions! Not just stuff I’ve found on Indeed, but actually googling “San Diego PR agencies” and going through one by one looking at the career pages. Either internships or account person jobs with minimum three years experience. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THIS EXPERIENCE IF NOBODY WILL LOOK AT MY RESUME SINCE I ONLY HAVE ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE!? It’s very frustrating. I’m about to just start sending my resume out even if I’m not actually qualified, don’t know what else to do at this point. I’ve considered applying for the internships, but I can’t afford to work for free. I have zero income right now and Sallie Mae is threatening legal action if they don’t get a payment soon.

On another note, I’ve had some luck with my back pain management. My birthday was in January and the parental units got me a 10-class package for a local yoga studio, Reach Yoga. I go three times a week, and to make my classes stretch further I pay for one of the $5 drop-in classes (they do them on Tuesdays and Thursdays). That has made a huge difference; I really think not only does it stretch everything out, but increasing my core strength helps support and protect my spine. I have no idea if that’s actually the case (I’m not trained in science or health), that’s just my theory, either way it’s helping a lot.

A friend also told me about turmeric; she takes if for acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties, but suggested it might help with pain, rather than taking ibuprofen. I started taking that in the morning along with my iron and probiotics and it seems to also be helping. I hope it is, the more I can avoid chemicals and ingredients I can’t pronounce, the better. And I still drink my skullcap tea when the pain flares up.

Right, well, that’s about the extent of my life right now; send out applications, go to yoga, stop myself from mindlessly snacking because of boredom. I don’t even have Netflix of Hulu right now, no money in the bank, so the payment didn’t run. Hopefully that will change soon!

Categories: Health Care, natural medicine, pain management, sustainable living, Uncategorized, unemployment, yoga | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Day Four- Pain Management

Well that was pathetic, I only made it three days before failing. I think that was my longest streak on PokemonGo too, plus that was how many days I lasted doing yoga every morning when I signed up for Daily Burn. I think it’s safe to say I have commitment issues ha!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving my back went out. I was in a car accident in 2012 and since this was pre-ACA I didn’t have health insurance, so I never went and saw a doctor. I also turned down an ambulance on scene because I knew I wouldn’t be able to pay the bill. Because of those decisions my back will flare up from time to time and hurt for a few days, but it didn’t really start getting bad until about a year ago; before that it might hurt for a day or two and mostly just uncomfortable. Now it will last for a week or longer and be absolutely excruciating.

The last time it flared up was in August, about two weeks after I moved back in with the parents. I went to a massage therapist, swam in the ocean for about an hour, then went on a bike ride. The next day I was back to normal. People really do underestimate the healing power of the ocean. My theory (please keep in mind, I’m not a scientist, this is just my opinion) is that floating in the water helps take gravity and pressure off my spine. Salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water, so you can float with more support. Sitting and standing contributes to the pain because it puts all the pressure on the base of your spine, whereas floating in the ocean helps take that stress off my body. (Again, I’m not a scientist or a medical professional, this is just my theory and opinion!)

But since it’s December and the water is COLD I can’t go float around right now. And that really sucks. I don’t like using painkillers or other types of pharmaceuticals; I’m not a chemist, I don’t have the training or schooling to understand how all those ingredients work and how they will interact with each other. I also drink, and there are a lot of things you’re not supposed to take with alcohol, so I’m not going to push my luck with that.

Here is what I do feel comfortable doing:

Massage Therapy: Every month I see my therapist and work on my back. She’s awesome, she’s really strong and really gets in there and works everything out. I ended up double booking my November appointment with paddle board yoga and cancelling my massage. Within a week I was in pain. Never again will I skip an appointment. I was able to get in about a week later, but with a different therapist and it just wasn’t the same, she didn’t get in there as aggressively. For anybody in the San Diego area who may need a good massage therapist, I highly recommend Jen at Healing Arts Massage and Wellness Center in Pacific Beach.

Skullcap: This is an herb I got at a little shop in Ocean Beach called Bountiful Herbs. It’s great for nerve pain; it can help soothe muscle tension, relieve anxiety, and calm spasms. I make it as a tea a few times a day and it has definitely helped. Plus it’s cold out right now and tea is always nice when it’s chilly!

Breathing: I do some breathing exercises and light stretching throughout the day. Sitting really bothers me and standing for long periods can get painful. I can feel muscles in my back, especially between my shoulder blades, tighten up so I’ll just stop whatever I’m doing and do my stretches. I did some digging on the old Google and found multiple pages/sources stating that breathing can be a big help with pain. While it doesn’t necessarily fix the cause of pain, it can help release other muscles that have tightened up.

Some things I want to try:

Float Therapy: While at the herb shop I picked up a flyer for a float therapy place in OB called Reset and they do sensory deprivation therapy. Now, as someone who watched Stranger Things, this kind of freaks me out lol! Plus I have a fear of dark pools, so the idea of being in water in total darkness is unnerving. But it also seems like the closest I can get to floating in the ocean this time of year, so I called to see what they’re all about. The guy I talked to told me it’s actually really beneficial for pain relief since they use medical grade Epsom salt and the water is body temperature. The flyer is advertising $50 for 90 min. Still thinking about that one, maybe I’ll ask for an early Solstice present.

Yoga: I would love to start doing yoga on a regular basis again. I’m a chubby girl, I love beer and pizza, and I’m comfortable with myself, but I think strengthening my core muscles will help support my back better. But this comes down to money, yoga gyms (are they called gyms? studios? I’m not sure) are expensive and I can’t afford that until I get a full time job.

Medical Marijuana: I would like to get my card, but as California just legalized recreational marijuana I’m going to see how this one plays out. I also get migraines and chronic tension headaches, I’ve been told marijuana is really helpful for that too. Plus being unemployed right now, I can’t justify the money.

If anybody has any other suggestions for pain relief please feel free to share!

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Personal Challenge

I mentioned before I’m back in San Diego. It’s awesome; bike ride on the boardwalk, leaning stand-up paddle board (turns out my balance is worse than I thought!), tons of farmer’s markets. But job hunting is still proving difficult, ad now that we’re in the holiday season, I think it’s not going to get any easier.

The temporary project I was working on ended today, so that’s pretty scary. It also means I’m going to be spending a lot of time in the house. I’m still sending out AT LEAST 2-3 applications a day, but to help keep my sanity I’m giving myself a new challenge: bike ride everyday and write about what I saw.

Rather than going shopping on black Friday, we did a family bike ride. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we went all the way around the bay. There were a lot of people out enjoying the sunshine, it was nice to see so many families out enjoying time together instead of buying stuff. I’ve ever really liked black Friday, it’s super materialistic and “stuff driven” to me.

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It’s good to be home

I’ve been back in San Diego for a few months now, and it’s so nice to be back! I’m still looking for a full time work doing what I took out A LOT of debt for, but right now I have a part time gig that is starting to allow me to catch up on other bills.

The best part is I ride my bike everywhere; to work, to the store, to get coffee, to cruise down the boardwalk, to go the corner market to get some delicious local craft beer! You get the idea.

I though I’d have an easier time finding a job, but that’s not proving accurate. There are a lot more opportunities down here, but there are also a lot more people vying for them. I’m just trying to keep positive and just keep sending out those resumes. Looking for a job is like buying a new swimsuit; you think everything looks okay but by the end of the day you just feel really bad about yourself lol!

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I really need to get my bike fixed before next week! It needs a good tune-up and Bike to Work Week seems like a good time to get that taken care of!

Kudos to Metrolink! I still think they need wifi and to work with other public transit groups to make fares more affordable, but they have done a lot to get bicyclists on board in the last few years. So for this one I will say “Goodonya!”

Metrolink offering free rides during Bike to Work Week

Metrolink is offering anyone with a bike a free ride during Bike to Work Week, May 16 – May 20.

Train riders must board with a bicycle and accompany their bike during the entire trip.

The promotion includes Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 18.

May is National Bike Month, established in 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists.

Metrolink has transported 1 million bicyclists since the multi-county agency introduced its bike cars in July 2011, according to the agency. A bike car is usually on the lower level of a train and is equipped with multiple stalls designed to hold three bikes in each stall. A bike train can hold 18 bikes. A bike car has a decal on the side of the train or a train wrap.

Metrolink operates seven routes of commuter rail service in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. For more information, go to

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Forgot I had that!

The other morning I was getting ready for work; feed cats, wash dishes, make coffee, water plants. I filled the coffee pot and ground beans then realized I was out of filters. First world problems, I know, but an essential part to get my day moving. 

Started to freak out then I remembered I have a French press! My first apartment only had one outlet in the kitchen and the fridge  and stove were plugged into it so I had to get a French press and kettle to make coffee. It really does make a better pot then a regular Brewer, it’s just a pain to wash. 

So the last few days I’ve been making fancy coffee!  

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From the Sacramento Bee

Bill would limit communications for California Coastal Commission


I really miss going to these meetings and being involved with what is going on with our coasts. I went to many many meetings with the Coastal Commission during the fight to stop the 241 Foothill South Extension. And we won! We Saved Trestles!

It was so sad to see what was happening at the Coastal Commission. And then right after at the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

It’s time to get back out there and keep the fight going!


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Metro Gold Line Extension

This is awesome, I really hope it keeps coming further east.

Having another transportation option is so important, especially as California deals with budget problems for road repairs/maintenance. With more fuel efficient vehicles, the state isn’t collecting as much from gas taxes and now they have a serious problem.

Also, damn Omnitrans can’t seem to run on time anymore, so bring some competition into the area so people can get to work on time =)

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From the Daily Press

This was published in the Victorville Daily Press today. I don’t even know where to begin, the stupidity of not funding public transportation and what that would do to the economy (especially in lower income areas) or the continued warped mindset of California and our obsession with cars.

What do you think?


‘I take public transit, but I hate it’

By George Runner

“I take public transit, but I hate it.”

Says a student intern who works in my downtown Sacramento office.

In a perfect world, there would be nothing wrong with investing in public transportation. We’re told by government that infrastructure projects like high speed rail will make travel cheaper, more accessible and better for the environment. It’s supposed to be a win-win for everyone.

But we don’t live in a perfect world. And you probably know a few people who have a nightmare story to tell about their time catching the bus or train. The reality is most people don’t have positive opinions about public transit. That raises the question: In our ever-changingmillennial-driven economy, does it make sense to continue diverting billions of dollars to underutilized mass transit systems?

Many people have given up on public transportation because of the long delays and wait times and, in some cases, unclean and unsafe conditions. In Sacramento, the latest number from Regional Transit show total ridership is down nearly 7 percent compared to last fiscal year, and the number of reported crimes is back on the rise.

In Los Angeles, nearly one in five Metro riders had experienced some form of harassment, including being fondled and indecent exposure. The numbers were even higher prior to a public awareness campaign called “It’s Off Limits.”

There’s another reason people are giving up on public transit: technology.

With the rise of ridesharing networks such as Uber and Lyft, most people don’t see the need to deal with the problems that come with public transportation. These ride-sharing services have made transportation quick, reliable and affordable. Best of all, these companies will pick you up at your front door.

Government can’t compete.

Take for example what’s going on in Southern California. Another Los Angeles Times report shows that despite a $9 billion investment in new light rail and subway lines, Metro now has fewer boardings than it did three decades ago, when buses were the county’s only transit option. As a matter of fact, transit ridership in the region has been on the decline for roughly a decade.

The same is happening with other mass transit agencies. Bus ridership in Orange County has dropped 30 percent in the last seven years alone. A recent Metro study found that 16 transit providers in Los Angeles County have seen quarterly drops in ridership of 4 to 5 percent.

Yes, ridership can be cyclical. But many experts believe this change in travel behavior could be a permanent shift. One thing is clear: people prefer to be in cars and choose private sector transportation solutions if they can afford it.

Ride-sharing services could be better for the environment as well. The big ride-sharing companies are currently building out their carpool services. This could lead to fewer cars on the streets — and less demand for costly parking lots and garages. As automotive technology continues to improve, we’ll see more environmentally friendly vehicles on the road. In future years, self-driving vehicles could also be an option.

Government needs to get with the times and recognize consumer trends. We need roads, and we need to start investing in them again. So let’s stop wasting public dollars trying to get people to do things they’re just not interested in. Instead, we should wisely invest California’s tax dollars in ways that bolster safe, affordable and environmentally- friendly transportation options of the future. —George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a taxpayer advocate and elected member of the State Board of Equalization.

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Homemade Healthcare

It’s no secret California is in a multi-year drought. Mid March and we were already hitting the high 90’s on the thermometer. It can be tiring going on bike rides in those kind of temperatures, it’s also very easy to burn when out in sun that intense.

But have you looked at what’s in commercial sunscreen!? I don’t like eating stuff that I can’t pronounce, and I’m just as hesitant to smear scary sounding chemicals on my skin. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and anything you put on it will be absorbed into you. So, I set out to learn how to make my own health care items!

To date I’ve made toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, lotion, garbage disposal freshener, and sunscreen! Oh, and body scrub cubes!

I use my deodorant everyday and I love it, I have pretty sensitive skin so I was a bit nervous, but so far it’s awesome.

Here are my recipes for deodorant and sunscreen, I found them both on Pinterest along with many others that I love. I found all the ingredients at Sprouts, once you have them you will be set for a good amount of time, I haven’t had to restock in over a year now. Except the coconut oil, that one I do burn through pretty quickly.

Sunscreen- I use a recipe with diaper rash cream instead of zinc powder. Zinc is very harmful if inhaled and I’m sort of a clutz so I didn’t want to risk that. Plus I have fur babies and I didn’t want something in my home they can get into. There are recipes using zinc powder if you feel comfortable using that instead

1/4 cup diaper rash cream (I used the Burt’s Bees Lavender, it’s paraben-free and smells fantastic)

1Tbsp Coconut Oil

1 Tbsp Cocoa Butter

1 Tbsp Aloe Vera Gel

1 tsp Seame Oil (I use almond oil instead, it was already in my arsenal of natural products)

1 tsp Beeswax

10 drops essential oil (optional, but AVOID CITRUS OILS!!)

Mix everything in a double boiler. I sort of improvised one; soup pot with a veggie rack and a ceramic bowl. I like to melt the beeswax, diaper rash cream, and coconut oil together first. Then I add in everything else. I got a silicon squeezy bottle from Target in the travel container aisle, it works perfect. Take it to the beach and enjoy!


You will need coconut oil, baking soda, corn starch, arrowroot powder, and essential oil (I like tea tree, smells very clean)

5-6 Tbsp Coconut oil

1/8 cup arrowroot powder

1/8 cup cornstarch

1/4 cup baking soda

Add essential oil until you have the scent as strong (or mild!) as you like.

A few note from personal experience, I tried a sweet orange essential oil once, it was not pleasant, was real funky by the end of the day. I’ve found Tea Tree works best for me. Some folks experience a sensitivity to the baking soda, play around with the recipe if you need to =)


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