Personal Challenge

I mentioned before I’m back in San Diego. It’s awesome; bike ride on the boardwalk, leaning stand-up paddle board (turns out my balance is worse than I thought!), tons of farmer’s markets. But job hunting is still proving difficult, ad now that we’re in the holiday season, I think it’s not going to get any easier.

The temporary project I was working on ended today, so that’s pretty scary. It also means I’m going to be spending a lot of time in the house. I’m still sending out AT LEAST 2-3 applications a day, but to help keep my sanity I’m giving myself a new challenge: bike ride everyday and write about what I saw.

Rather than going shopping on black Friday, we did a family bike ride. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we went all the way around the bay. There were a lot of people out enjoying the sunshine, it was nice to see so many families out enjoying time together instead of buying stuff. I’ve ever really liked black Friday, it’s super materialistic and “stuff driven” to me.

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