Posts Tagged With: activism

From the Sacramento Bee

Bill would limit communications for California Coastal Commission


I really miss going to these meetings and being involved with what is going on with our coasts. I went to many many meetings with the Coastal Commission during the fight to stop the 241 Foothill South Extension. And we won! We Saved Trestles!

It was so sad to see what was happening at the Coastal Commission. And then right after at the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

It’s time to get back out there and keep the fight going!


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Governor Signs 23 Environmental Bills, Including Microbead Ban | KQED Science

Yes, I’m still paying stuff here about the environment. I will always hug the trees! This is really exciting, micro beads are awful.

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Back to Work!

Alas, spring break is over. After a busy trip to Florida to visit family it’s back to school. And that means my second bike survey! From 11-1 today I will once again be asking students about their commuting and bicycling habits! Hopefully it will be as succesfull as the first one. Over 100 students took my survey and more than half of them signed my bike lane petition!



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